felt shoes
felt shoes felt shoes felt shoes felt shoes felt shoes felt shoes

felt shoes

130,00 €


Availability 23 pcs
Delivery time 3 - 5 workdays

Vuonue felt shoes are made of Finnish sheep wool in Finland and have natural rubber soles. To ensure high quality, the soles are sewn into the felt and extend over the felt to protect it from moisture from the ground. The shoes are well suited for both indoor and outdoor use.

The color is light gray. The model is suitable for both men and women. You can see the size chart in the pictures. When fitted, the shoe must not be tight, as it does not stretch during use but conforms to the foot. However, if you accidentally order the wrong size, the replacement will be successful.

The design of the shoes and the wools come from Vuonue, the production is handled by Lahtinen Felt Factory in Jämsä, which has almost a hundred years of experience. Authentic Finnish wool is an ecological, warm and breathable material that is suitable for every season.